Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Movie Going Experience

I am sure that some of you have heard about the theater in Texas that kicked a woman out for text messaging during the film and she called the theater and left them an angry (and crazy) voicemail.  The theater, The Alamo Drafthouse, has used her message as a PSA for not texting in theaters.  If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the link:  (warning this is the uncensored version)

I say way to go Alamo Drafthouse!  Those of you who know me well know that I love going to the movies.  Going to see a film in a theater is an experience that cannot be duplicated anywhere.  It really does not get much better than enjoying some popcorn and Red Vines while allowing yourself to escape into another world for a couple of hours while watching a great film.  (although anymore great film is becoming rare but that is a topic for another blog post)  That being said however, I am finding it increasingly frustrating to go to the theater to see a movie.  Almost always now there are people in the auditorium talking and text messaging.  This distraction is not only rude, but it completely ruins the movie going experience. 

I really hope that the major theater chains learn from the example Alamo Drafthouse has set and begin enforcing zero tolerance policies for guests that disrupt the movie going experience.  In the meantime try to patronize theaters that do enforce no talking and text messaging policies such as ArcLight Cinemas here in Southern California.  I am also making a personal commitment that if someone is text messaging while I am watching a movie, that I not only say something to that individual, but I am also going to let theater management know so that they can become aware how frustrated their guests are becoming with this disruptive trend.  Maybe going to the movies can once again become an incredible distraction free experience. 


  1. I don't go to the movies any more for this very reason. Live theater either, which is really heartbreaking, but the last few times I have been to live performances they have been ruined for me by people talking and eating. In New York, vendors actually came into the house during intermission to sell drinks and candy - the sound of candy crunching and wrappers crinkling was a constant distraction through the whole second act.

    I know theater owners and studios are at odds right now over DVD release dates and distribution - theaters really need the support of the movie going public right now, and addressing this issue is one way they could reclaim some of that support.

  2. I wasn't texting I was using my phone as a flashlight, it's that bright, no wait, actually I was texting but it's my right as outlined in the constitution. The freedom to let my light shine forth and your silly little rules are unAmerican. Very funny selfcentered logic. :)

    It is my experience that when someone screams that they are never coming back, that we only can wish they won't while they often do.
