Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Benefit or Curse?

I have a lot of energy.  I always have.  When I was a kid I always went to bed late and loved to stay busy doing as many things as I possibly could.  When I was a teen I would do crazy road trips where I would be up for 40 or more hours straight and never have a second thought about it.  People always used to tell me to enjoy it while I could because you won't have that kind of energy as you get older. 

Well, I am now approaching 35 years old.  Not only do I have as much energy as I did when I was kid, I think I actually have more.  I still have to be constantly on the move.  I can still stay up for extended periods of time without fatigue.  When most people are ready to call it a day, I want to keep going. 

I love that I have this kind of energy.  It helps confirm something that I have always believed which is that age is in the mind.  We only are as old as we think we are.  However, it does have a down side.  As I get older I am sleeping less.  My energy levels really spike at night so it makes it very difficult to go to sleep.  When I was young I would go to sleep about 11pm or 12 midnight.  Now, it is rare that I fall asleep before 2am. And if it wasn't for being introduced to melatonin supplements I would probably be getting even less sleep.  I don't feel tired during the day though.  I will admit that about once a month I crash, sleeping most of a day.  I guess my body just reenergizes itself monthly instead of nightly. 

So overall I guess I definitely look at the amount of energy I have as positive, with just a little curse on the side.  It would be nice to be able to fall asleep just an hour or two earlier than I normally do, or I just need to work on finding more things to do late at night lol. 

1 comment:

  1. I am interested to know - do you attribute the energy solely to state of mind, or do think there are other factors? Genetics, diet, exercise, etc? I was very energetic as a kid, but it has decreased as I've gotten older. I'd like some of it back. :)
