Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Poetry by Aunt Sarah

It's been almost a year since we lost Aunt Sarah.  I spent some time going through Sarah's photo and scrap albums while I was up visiting my family this past weekend.  It still isn't any easier for me to look through them.  I miss her so much.  Sarah not only was an inspiration to our entire family, but she also helped so many people in her life.  Countless numbers of blind kids grew up to be self sustaining independent adults because of the life skills she taught them.  She was living proof that there was nothing that they couldn't do. Not a lot of people realize this, but Sarah also wrote a lot. She wrote poems and stories, and also kept track through scrapbooks of all of the kids she was teaching.  I thought it would be a nice tribute to her to share some of these every once in a while on here, and today I am going to share one of her poems.  The title of this poem is "Take a Moment".  I hope you enjoy reading it. 

Think for a moment
What would life be
Without the help of someone
Who help the blind like me

Without the laugh of someone
Without the touch of a hand
Think what life would be
As you walk barefoot in the sand

What if there was no mobility
Or if there never was Braille
How could we write to each other
How could we keep on the trail

Life seems sometimes cruel
But life is dear and sweet
I thank you everyone
For keeping us on our feet
                               -Sarah Kate Rowley